Peaches have a yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and a velvety skin. The flesh is very delicate and easily bruised but is fairly firm when green. The single, large seed is red-brown, oval shaped, approximately 1.3–2 cm long, and is surrounded by a wood-like husk. Peaches with white flesh typically are very sweet with little acidity, while yellow-fleshed peaches typically have an acidic tang coupled with sweetness.

Kilocalorias 39
Proteinas 0 g
Grasa total 0 g
Colesterol 0 mg
Carbohidratos 10 g
Azucares totales 9 g
Fibra dietaria 1 g
Calcio 1%
Hierro 0%
Sodio 1 mg
Vitamina A 55%
Vitamina C 52%
Brix 40 -42
Acidez (como acido citrico) 1.7-3.8
Ratio (relacion brix/acidez) 4.6-3.5

Mesoerobicos Max 50000 UFC/gr
Hongos y levaduras Max 3000 UFC/gr
Coliformes <29 UFC/gr