Oranges grow in a range of different sizes, and shapes varying from spherical to oblong. Inside and attached to the rind is a porous white tissue, the white, bitter mesocarp or albedo (pith). The orange contains a number of distinct carpels (segments) inside, typically about ten, each delimited by a membrane, and containing many juice-filled vesicles and usually a few seeds (pips).  Their flavor may vary from sweet to sour, and are commonly peeled and eaten fresh or squeezed for juice.


  • High in vitamin C

Kilocalorias 39
Proteinas 0 g
Grasa total 0 g
Colesterol 0 mg
Carbohidratos 10 g
Azucares totales 9 g
Fibra dietaria 1 g
Calcio 1%
Hierro 0%
Sodio 1 mg
Vitamina A 55%
Vitamina C 52%
Brix min 50
Acidez (como acido citrico) min 4.5
Ratio (relacion brix/acidez) 4.6-3.5

Mesoerobicos Max 50000 UFC/gr
Hongos y levaduras Max 3000 UFC/gr
Coliformes <29 UFC/gr