The tamarind is an indehiscent legume, sometimes called a pod, 12 to 15 cm (4.7 to 5.9 in) in length, with a hard, brown shell that contains an edible pulp used in cuisines around the world.
The tamarind has a fleshy, juicy, acidulous pulp. It is mature when the flesh is colored brown or reddish brown. The tamarinds of Asia have longer pods (containing six to 12 seeds), whereas African and West Indian varieties have shorter pods (containing one to six seeds). The seeds are somewhat flattened, and a glossy brown. The fruit is best described as sweet and sour in taste, and is high in tartaric acid, sugar, B vitamins, and, unusually for a fruit, calcium.
- Low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium
- Natural laxative
- Rich in vitamin B1
- Ideal for diets
- Enhances nerves and muscle performance
Kilocalorias | 39 |
Proteinas | 0 g |
Grasa total | 0 g |
Colesterol | 0 mg |
Carbohidratos | 10 g |
Azucares totales | 9 g |
Fibra dietaria | 1 g |
Calcio | 1% |
Hierro | 0% |
Sodio | 1 mg |
Vitamina A | 55% |
Vitamina C | 52% |
Brix | 40-42 |
Acidez (como acido citrico) | 1.7-3.8 |
Ratio (relacion brix/acidez) | 4.6-3.5 |
Mesoerobicos Max 50000 UFC/gr
Hongos y levaduras Max 3000 UFC/gr
Coliformes <29 UFC/gr