Lulo has a citrus flavor, sometimes described as a combination of rhubarb and lime. The juice of the lulo is green.  Lulo is of ovoid appearance, 4-6 cm of diameter, with an orange or yellow peel covered in fine thorns or “hairs”.  Inside, it is divided in 4 compartments and each compartment is filled with a green or yellow pulp and a large number of whitish small seeds.


  • Diuretic and Toning
  • Rich in iron and vitamins A & C
  • Excellent to eliminate toxins
  • Helps cleanse the excess of salt and body fat
  • Benefits digestive health and helps balance cholesterol levels
Kilocalorias 25
Proteinas 0 g
Grasa total 0 g
Colesterol 0 mg
Carbohidratos 6 g
Azucares totales 2 g
Fibra dietaria 0 g
Calcio 0%
Hierro 3%
Sodio 0 mg
Vitamina A 8%
Vitamina C 47%
Brix 6-12
Acidez (como acido citrico) 1.7-2.6
Ratio (relacion brix/acidez) 4.6-3.5

Mesoerobicos Max 50000 UFC/gr
Hongos y levaduras Max 3000 UFC/gr
Coliformes <29 UFC/gr